Important Fee Disclaimer
It's 2025 and this is a new scheduling platform! There are a few features in the online scheduling platform that are not currently available or working properly. Because of this issue the final inspection fee you will see will be wrong. This only applies to properties that have the below elements. The programmers are working on making the corrections and once done this announcement will be removed.
The fees for the "2nd Garage or Outbuilding Type" will not transfer from the scheduling questions to the final fee.
If the property has a 2nd garage or outbuilding and you wish to have that inspected the inspection fee will be higher. Once the order is placed our office will review the order and make the necessary price change. You will be notified with the correct inspection fee. This only applies to orders that have selected a 2nd garage or outbuilding to be inspected.
Also, when done and to schedule your inspection, please click "Submit Without Payment". The new scheduling system is not connected to our credit card processor.
I apologize for any confusion this might cause, but the programming is out of my control.
If you have any questions, please call the office at (716) 772-2548
Thanks - John Villella